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Midwest State has a History of Welcoming Refugees

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Midwest State would welcome Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban. They are going to be brought to the United States and the local leaders here are embracing them with open arms.

Midwest State Has Sympathy for the Afghan Refugees

“My immediate reaction when I see people in such desperation is one of unbearable sadness,” said Joe Cimperman. He is president of Global Cleveland. In fact, Global Cleveland is a nonprofit that welcomes immigrants and international newcomers to the city.

History Seems to Replaying Again With Other Wars

Thus Cimperman said it feels like history repeating itself. “Moreover, it is very close to what happened in Vietnam. Therefore, we know that Ohio, Cleveland was a site of relocation for people after the fall of Saigon,” Cimperman said.

Moreover, Global Cleveland is more than happy to extend a handout to Afghan refugees in need.

Federal Government Involvement with Afghan Refugees

“In fact, we have to be really public about our wish to, therefore, welcome these individuals. Moreover, we want our federal government to really know we want to be one of those places where these individuals are getting relocating,” Cimperman said.

Cimperman said as of right now, the government is working on evacuating the refugees. Then get facilities to house them. Also for those Afghans who do not qualify for the special visas, Cimperman said the Pentagon will then try to find locations across the U.S. to house them, like Cleveland.

Midwest State is Looking Back on History With This Matter

“Moreover, we do have history. As we have done this before. In fact, we have done this four times in the past four decades,” Cimperman said. Right now, there are about 500 people from Afghanistan are presently living in Cleveland, according to the Global Cleveland, that have come here over the years.

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