SAN ANTONIO – TX. The city was recently hit with a shock! Coincidentally, after someone posted a new and quite controversial Holocaust exhibit, people didn’t respond positively. The sign stated two things: MAGA (Make America Great Again) and #FakeNews. But is it actually fake news?
Even Donald Trump, himself, said it was fake news. Many of the community stated that the sign was a denial of the historic genocide.
A groundskeeper originally discovered the sign. The general public’s response has not been a positive one. A lot of people believe that this is a clear sign of prejudice but others refuse to acknowledge that this hatred is still very evident in the world.
Their holocaust museum was all but a shock. The museum director made a public statement. She doesn’t think everyone sees the sign as a clear connection to the modern prejudicial tendencies. The politics of the situation became tattered and broken by standards the declining equal state of our country.
Unfortunately, someone posted the sign reading “Fake News” and MAGA right by the entrance of the exhibit. Although responding puts Donald Trump in a bad light, he still attempted to negate the shocking sign.
After that, police discovered the sign early Tuesday morning the investigation began. Sadly, the chief officer of the investigation doesn’t consider the crime a hate crime, but claims it is only political advocacy.
Donald Trump, by poorly responding, is against these moments of habitual negation, and how does that make you feel? In Some people in the community are outraged, otherwise, it’s just people responding to allegations. So what do you think?